Personal Statement
We live in a world which is being dominated by technology; everything is basically one click away, we see and experience the world through a screen. We are now able to connect with people all over the world yet we have become more disconnected than ever; disconnected from nature, from other human beings and even from our own hands. As a person, and as a designer, I want to help others become more in touch with the “tactile “world. It is important for me to help others build/ or reestablish a relationship between their minds and their hands, which as a result will also promote feelings of self-efficiency. Art is for me the tool to do so; it stimulates a person’s creativity and imagination. The creative process is for me far more important than the result, because there is where you start experimenting and handling different materials, textures, colors and techniques and this is the moment when your body and mind connect and starts to work as one.
The following are a few different workshops I have created and supervised. Contact me for more information.
In Juni 2018 heb ik
samen met Nathaniël
Bagijn (multidisciplinair
kunstenaar) een workshop
gemaakt en uitgevoerd
bij Scol Preparatorio
Tarcisius Aruba (kleuterschool).
Tijdens de lessen
creëerden de kinderen
fantasiewezens met de
verschillende afdruktechnieken
die wij ze leerden.
In juli 2018 heb ik een workshop over maskers uitgevoerd. De kinderen (4 t/m 9 jaar) hadden de vrijheid om hun eigen maskers te creëeren na een kleine uitleg en geschiedenis over maskers. Door individueel hun eigen masker te maken, creëerden ze gezamenlijk hun eigen kleine stam, om gevoelens van verbinding bevorderen.
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